Influence Patient Behavior
and Drive Improved Outcomes
PatientPoint no-cost technology and health education is proven to increase practice revenue by getting patients to talk to their doctor about scheduling necessary health services.
in billable claims per health service
Over 65,000 more billable claims were submitted by our provider partners—for necessary health services that lead to better patient outcomes and increased practice revenue.
Simply because patients watched our education and spoke with their doctor about getting necessary health services.
$ 1 million
in incremental revenue
A gastroenterology-focused medical group with
16 locations saw a 20% increase in colon cancer screenings. That equated to over $1 million* in incremental revenue.
45% increase
in mammograms
The more patients who get necessary screenings,
the more lives that can be saved through early detection.
Waiting room
Waiting room
exam room
28% increase
in flu vaccinations
For the 2021-2022 flu season, our tech and education led to 6,780 more flu vaccinations.
43% increase
in tobacco cessation counseling
Quitting smoking is one of the most important actions a person can take to improve their health. Our education helped more people ask their doctor for help.
Waiting room
Waiting room
exam room
our methodology
At PatientPoint, we strive to make every doctor-patient engagement better so people can live longer, healthier lives. To do just that, the PatientPoint Data and Analytics team looked at patient medical claims data across 26,769 health systems and practice locations to highlight the impact our in-office programs have on patient behavior.
©2022 PatientPoint, LLC
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Want to see for yourself why our tech and education can drive patient actions, which leads to better outcomes and increased reimbursement? Fill out the form to request a demo.
Source and methodology information can be found here.
Source and methodology information can be found here.
Source and methodology information can be found here.
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